GolfLeagueSite Marketing

GolfLeagueSite is a custom golf software company that provides an exclusive digital marketing opportunity to advertise to its customers. With a current total of 144 leagues and tournaments supporting 10,256 users, GolfLeagueSite gets about 4 million page views annually. There are two different ways you can advertise directly to this market.

League Sponsorship

GolfLeagueSite is used to manage golf leagues and tournaments. Customers leverage the website and live scoring app to facilitate these league management and operation services. The average league member spends hours on the website and app each month for the entire duration of a 5-7 month season. League sponsors get year-round digital imprints on all league pages as well as on the live scoring app used by the players during play. GLS is only selling a single league sponsor slot for each league so your company won't be competing with other ads on the page. League sponsorship allows you to make your company name synonymous with the league they invest their time in. It puts your logo front and center when they are digging through league stats or using the live scoring app to enter scores during league play.

Website/Mobile Digital Advertisements

If you'd rather reach the entire GolfLeagueSite customer base, full website/mobile digital ads should do the trick. GLS has a presence in 22 states and it's expanding each month with new customers across the United States. You can customize your ad banners that will live on both the website and live scoring app with hyperlinks to any of your digital consumer resources. This approach gets your ads in front of the consumer's eyeballs on a daily basis at a fraction of the price you'll pay to advertise elsewhere. Also, unlike league sponsorship, this lasts for the entire calendar year rather than just for a league's season.

League Sponsor

$5 / player

  • Approx. $250/season*
  • Approx. $1.43 CPM
  • Choose your target demographic
  • Online spot promotions & incentives
  • Advertising metrics
  • Free monthly ad/graphics changes

Website/Mobile Ads

$2 / player

  • Lock in annual price
  • Approx. $2.00 CPM
  • Reach entire GLS customer base
  • Run targeted ads
  • Advertising metrics
  • Free monthly ad/graphics changes
* average-sized league
For comparison, Google is the cheapest online advertising option at $3 CPM, some local TV spots can be up to $40 CPM