
* You are viewing the scores from a previous season

score doesn't affect handicap

Superscript indicates number of holes played

Golfer 4/29 5/6 5/20 7/8 7/29 8/5 9/30
Chris Abel 102
Charlie Angelilli
Gerry Arcuri 101
Carl Ayers
Dave Bailin 88 87 95 95
Ethan Balsam
Joe Beagle
Henry Bernstein 88
Steve Bovo
Charlie Brown 78 77
David Campbell
Ron Campbell 82
Bill Connell 86
LeVaughn Crawford 83
Ryan Fuller 92 83 94
Tom Gray
Joe Hance
Joe Hance Jr.
Dan Henry 79
Dustin Hite
Kevin Jewby 77 82
John Keith
Randy Lakin 91 90
George Limber 87 90
Louis Limber
Kevin Major 77
David Moehring 83
Tim Moyer 97
Ryan Sarazen 81
Keith Schubert
Carl Stahlman 92
Sean Sullivan
Joe Sweeney 82 84
Mark Walters 83 92 85 90 77 78
Rob Williams 99
Greg Woss 88 82