Rules And Information

Welcome to the Detroit Advertising Golf League rules page.

Match play. 2 man teams will play each other for points. A and B players from each team will be matched up according to handicap. Individual Matchups - 2 points per hole (1 point each for a tied hole). 4 extra points to match winner (2 points each for a tie) Team Matchups - 4 points per hole (2 points per team in a tie). 8 extra points to match winner

Breakfast balls are allowed off the first tee (and only off the first tee, no saving this for other holes) for individuals who couldn't make it to the range. This is based on the honor system, so please don't take advantage.

Fluffing - if the ball is not on the green players are allowed to move a ball 6 inches or less in any direction except toward the hole.

Play all holes out, do not pick up unless you finish or unless you/your opponent concedes the hole. Gimmes are at the discretion of your matchplay opponent (don't be assholes)

League Payouts: Winning playoff team - $1500 Second-place playoff team - $700 Individual regular season points leader - $200

Skins/closest to: Participation is not mandatory Cost per week: Net skins - $5 Gross skins - $5 Closest To - $5 I will collect for the first half of the season before our April 27th start date ($50 net, $50 gross, $50 closest to) I will collect for the second half of the season prior to week 11, July 6th (same cost as above)

Handicaps are capped at 16 (2 over on every hole aside from par 3s)

Playoffs: The top 4 teams make the playoffs Both members of each team must play at least 10 regular season weeks to be eligible for the playoffs