Laytonsville Ladies net stroke play

Built Mar 24, 2022



Individual 18-hole format where golfers play net stroke play to earn points based on their finishing position. This format also tracks fairways and putts for additional standings based on those metrics.


This system is designed for use in 18-hole leagues

Score Type

Standard - Rules of Golf followed on a rated course during its active season

Measured By

Points - The standings for this scoring system are dictated by a points system, where each golfer can earn points in each event based on their performance.


Individual - Each golfer competes on an individual basis, without any teammates.

Scoring Format

Field - Each golfer competes against the entire field in each event


  • Individual Gross
  • Individual Net
  • Individual Putts
  • Fairway

Used By

This scoring system is used by Laytonsville Tuesday Ladies League