2-player team scoring format where each player has a quota of points to earn in each event. Quotas are derived from an average of their season quota scores. Points are earned in a modified stableford format based on gross score:
Double bogey or worse: 0 points
Bogey: 1 point
Par: 2 points
Birdie: 4 points
Eagle: 8 points
Albetross or better: 16 points
Each player will then be measured based on their points scored relative to their quota value. Teams play in matches where the cumulative net quota scores are used to determine a winning team. Teams can change in each event.
Standard - Rules of Golf followed on a rated course during its active season
Points - The standings for this scoring system are dictated by a points system, where each team can earn points in each event based on their performance.
Team - Each golfer on the roster competes on a team.
Match - Each team competes against another team in each event
This scoring system is used by Scum Golf League