
You are viewing the roster from a previous season; however, the handicaps shown are current

Number Golfer Handicap Index
1 Luis Alomar 16.1
2 Stanley Alster 29.5
3 Larry Athey 29.6
4 Dennis Ayers 19
5 Jim Bangor 15.6
6 Barry Bauder 22.6
7 Pete Blais 13.6
8 Mike Blum 8.6
9 Paul Boerschel 38.5
10 Mark Bowman 19.2
11 Dennis Bridge 24.8
12 Walt Brown 24.1
13 Tom Bruner 22.4
14 Pete Buchheit 16.1
15 Harry Carnes 21.9
16 Arnold Cash 20
17 Bob Cecil 13.2
18 Mike Cheripka 7.3
19 Ray Chesney 11.6
20 Lou Chillemi 34.6
21 Chris Cisna 16.3
22 Bob Comer 28
23 Bill Coutros 20.5
24 Jim Cusick 26
25 Wally Daley 25.7
26 Bill Davis 29.7
27 Scott Dejames 20.7
28 Bill Devaney 21.1
29 Mike Dolan 25.8
30 Jim Donovan 14.3
31 John Downes 28.8
32 John Doyle 27.5
33 Bob Driggers 23.3
34 John Duvall 25.9
35 Clarence Edmondson 26.8
36 Bob Emrich 27.5
37 Tom Eyre 18.2
38 John Feldman 24.6
39 Steve Ficca 18.4
40 Mike Flynn 15.8
41 Stuart Friedrich 15.6
42 Marvin Garlick 17.2
43 Harry Garonzik 12.4
44 Jerry Gitli 37.6
45 Pete Gratton 21.3
46 Mike Green 26
47 Sam Gregory 20.4
48 Sid Grolman 22.6
49 Jim Haney 20.5
50 Walt Harris 33.8
51 Ron Hayden 25.9
52 Dick Heiger 19.8
53 Tom Hershey 19.3
54 Jerry Hill 15.8
55 Barry Hoberman 23.1
56 Richard Hoenes 40.3
57 Al Honey 35.8
58 Teg Honey 19.3
59 Mike Howard 7.2
60 Rick Hubata 19
61 Carl Humphreys 27.1
62 Barry Hunt 15.7
63 Ed Jones 22.3
64 Doug Katzenbarger 10
65 Chris Kelly 31.8
66 Buzz Kerr 37.8
67 David King 30.6
68 Terry King 16.5
69 Henry Kramer 18
70 Jack Kuhn 12.7
71 Eric Lang 28
72 Rob Learmouth 26
73 Ken Levine 23.8
74 Marty Levine 23.2
75 Larry Lewis 14.9
76 Scott Litten 12.4
77 Stuart Lloyd 24.5
78 Kirk Lucas 19.6
79 Kevin Mack 19
80 Jack Mahon 18.4
81 Wes Manry 14.5
82 Tom Marcelino 16.9
83 Pete Marcelli 24.1
84 Wayne Marr 20.1
85 Bill McCauley 25.8
86 Tom McGonigal 18.4
87 Bryan McManus 19.1
88 Bill Mellendick 17.3
89 Mike Meyer 10.4
90 Chet Michalski 13.6
91 Larry Miller 16.6
92 Jeffrey Moak 18.6
93 Keith Montgomery 23.3
94 Bill Moore 16
95 Gene Mullinix 27.6
96 Marshall Mundy 14
97 Joe Murphy 20
98 Alan Nelson 24.3
99 Herb Nelson 25.4
100 Chuck Newman 21.4
101 David Nock 11.7
102 Tom Nolan 29.3
103 Gary Norcutt 24.7
104 Larry Norcutt 21.9
105 Jon Nuffer 21.5
106 Jim O'Connor 25.6
107 Jack O'Mara 35.8
108 Pat Olmert 25
109 Ken Olson 21.4
110 Dave Parrish 21.6
111 George Perry 21
112 Mike Peter 20.4
113 Russ Philippi 34.3
114 Cliff Plows 22.3
115 Richard Podobnik 11.7
116 Len Poirier 19.3
117 Peter Prassinos 19.9
118 Joe Provance 19
119 Barry Raff 20
120 Pete Ray 25.1
121 Jerry Razmus 25.1
122 James Redman 7.7
123 Don Remsch 16.5
124 Dan Reynolds 35.2
125 Kim Richeson 22.7
126 Norb Rieg 28.8
127 Charlie Rommel 31.4
128 Bill Rowe 16.6
129 Joe Sandoval 25.4
130 Walt Schmoeller 23
131 Bill Schneeman 21
132 Dwight Schob 27.9
133 Ed Scurci 19.4
134 Ted Searle 23.4
135 Doug Shaffer 11.3
136 Michael Smith 25.3
137 Ron Speir 19
138 Lee Strayer 23
139 Brian Sullivan 18.9
140 Bill Thompson 16.8
141 Byron To 15.2
142 George Tolen 26.3
143 Ted Tritle 8.6
144 Rick Trunnell 22.5
145 Tom Vasold 32.3
146 Rudy Vido 29.9
147 Kevin Walker 15.1
148 Rich White 27.1
149 Jim Wilk 15.5
150 Peter Wilkey 28.7
151 John Willis 16.8
152 Don Windsor 24.5
153 Mike Winn 23.9
154 Jack Withgott 11.1
155 Gary Wollen 20.3
156 Bob Young 38.5
157 Dick Zabela 29.4
158 John Ziegenhein 14.5
159 Al Zirkle 16.5
Regular Substitutes
1 Sam Andelman - Regular Substitute 0
2 Tom Goss - Regular Substitute 0
3 Rick Jones - Regular Substitute 0
4 Bob MArtin - Regular Substitute 0
5 Harry Miller - Regular Substitute 23.9