
You are viewing the roster from a previous season; however, the handicaps shown are current

† Denotes simulated scores were used to build handicap

Number Golfer Handicap Index
1 Kevin Abell 8.3
2 Joe Altomare 12.7
3 Bill Bagwell 27.1
4 Sriram Balu 6.2
5 Thomas Bankston 31.2
6 James Barlow 27.7
7 Michael Bertazon 7.9
8 Don Blair 40.6
9 John Blanar 21.7
10 Torsten Boeker 15.3
11 Kurt Boren 14.2
12 Alejandro Britos 16.4
13 Emory Brown 15.3
14 David Brown 17.2
15 Gary Burgan 34.2
16 Robert Burke 13.7
17 Russell Carden 11.6
18 Jim Cawley 13.1
19 Adam Chase 21.4
20 Justin Cherry 26.3
21 Joe Cholewczynski 33.4
22 Paul Christensen 27
23 John Cimino 8.3
24 Rich Coyle 27
25 Greg Coyle 19.3
26 Rob Coyne 9.7
27 Mike Curtis 11.2
28 Al Danielson 13.1
29 Tony DeBraccio 9.9
30 Stanley Dorman 34.5
31 Gary Drutch 11.5
32 Joe Dryden 18.7
33 Joshua Else 8.2
34 Kyle Erpenbach 12
35 Thomas Evans 30.4
36 Abdul Faieq 14.4
37 James Fink 20.4
38 Adam Fink 13
39 Bill Finnerty 11.1
40 Steve Fisher 10.2
41 John Flynn 14.7
42 Kevin Flynn 17.2
43 Dean Fox 17.2
44 Tim Franczkowski 13.7
45 David Frank 17.4
46 Stephen Gell 12.2
47 Joel Gerson 6.4
48 William Girimonte 8.9
49 Ken Goldberg 12.6
50 Greg Greene 9.4
51 Sean Gregory 8.3
52 Tyler Grote 20.7
53 Stephen Hamrick 23
54 Alex Hessel 21.4
55 Bob Heyman 36.2
56 Dan Hoch 8.4
57 Robert Hoffman 26.1
58 Russell Hoffman 8
59 Tom Hornbeck 12.7
60 Scott Hubbard 8.8
61 Carter Hyde 14.5
62 Daniel Immerso 19
63 Rick Isphording 18.6
64 Mike Izzo 26.7
65 Jon Jackson 22.1
66 Michael Jacobs 15.5
67 Andrew Johnson 21.8
68 Michael Kahl 22.1
69 Rick Kalama 15.3
70 Kreg Keeney 9
71 John Kohler 13.9
72 Tyler Kohler 20.7
73 George Kourtesis 15.5
74 Nicholas Kratovil 42.5
75 Anthony LaDana 10.3
76 Rick Landry 13.1
77 John Lavin 17.8
78 Greg Lawson 15.9
79 Max Levine 5.5
80 Paul Levine 14.9
81 Jeremy Lippenholz 20.2
82 Dave Lucadamo 11.9
83 James Lund 11.7
84 Brian Lyman 7.8
85 Emil Mara 13.9
86 Jay Masten 15.5
87 Dylan Matteson 15.6
88 Chris Matthai 12.5
89 Mike McClung 13
90 Mike McDonald 15.3
91 Brian McKinney 13.7
92 Michael Moore 10.5
93 Shuron Morton 26.6
94 Scott Murphy 20.5
95 Jeff Neser 7.2
96 Dave Nolan 8.3
97 Brenden Nolan 14.3
98 Isao Oishi 20.9
99 Tony Olsen 13.6
100 Rob Parent 6.7
101 Brandon Parker 13.1
102 Andrew Peet 4
103 Robert Pfaff 20.5
104 Dave Piraino 15
105 Bill Polinsky 7.9
106 Mark Powell 14.9
107 William Raitzyk 17
108 Ronald Rattell 7.8
109 David Robinson 12.9
110 Yi Ryu 7.7
111 Klay Sauers 13.7
112 Chris Scandiffio 15.6
113 John Schneck 19.7
114 Walt Shaw 11.1
115 Cameron Shiflett 17.7
116 Richard Shuey 20.5
117 Jim Simanski 11.1
118 Steven Simon 13.6
119 Sean Sivo 21.3
120 Chris Springer 29.9
121 Scott Sturiale 14.3
122 Tate Taylor 12.9
123 Brian Teachey 11.6
124 Jay Thudium 10.8
125 Owen Tucker 14.6
126 Cody Vaught 20.1
127 Jim Webler 10.4
128 Jay Weinstein 20.9
129 Patrick Welker 12.9
130 Steve Welzant 25
131 LeRoy Wheatley 17.1
132 Henry Wiland 27
133 John Wilmoth 7.9
134 Brandon Wilson 24.8
135 John Wood 26.4
136 Matt Woods 8
137 Dan Zimmermann 4.6
Sanctioned Substitutes
1 Michael Barrett - Sanctioned Substitute 0
2 Bruce Barrett - Sanctioned Substitute 0
3 Ed Bennett - Sanctioned Substitute 22
4 Jake Biondo - Sanctioned Substitute 13.1
5 Reid Blank - Sanctioned Substitute 16.1
6 Phil Brauer - Sanctioned Substitute 0
7 Terry Brennan - Sanctioned Substitute 0
8 Steven Brennan - Sanctioned Substitute 0
9 Brad Byers - Sanctioned Substitute 0
10 Mike Cole - Sanctioned Substitute 7.5
11 Jeffey Collier - Sanctioned Substitute 0
12 Al Coppola - Sanctioned Substitute 0
13 Connor Coyne - Sanctioned Substitute 13.1
14 Joe Crossney - Sanctioned Substitute 10
15 Joey Crossney - Sanctioned Substitute 0
16 Steve Danielson - Sanctioned Substitute 17.6
17 Jim Dawson - Sanctioned Substitute 0
18 Richard Deberry - Sanctioned Substitute 0
19 Tom Dezell - Sanctioned Substitute 0
20 TJ Downs - Sanctioned Substitute 22.4
21 Bob Driscoll - Sanctioned Substitute 27
22 Bobby Dunbar - Sanctioned Substitute 7.7
23 John Flynn Sr. - Sanctioned Substitute 10.6
24 Joe Foreman - Sanctioned Substitute 0
25 Seth Foreman - Sanctioned Substitute 0
26 Nick Foreman - Sanctioned Substitute 0
27 Ben Foreman - Sanctioned Substitute 0
28 Brendan Fox - Sanctioned Substitute 0
29 Denis Gasper - Sanctioned Substitute 0
30 Tom Giampaolo - Sanctioned Substitute 0
31 Ryan Goodhues - Sanctioned Substitute 13.1
32 Dave Guignet - Sanctioned Substitute 0
33 Jim Gulley - Sanctioned Substitute 0
34 Jim Hamilton - Sanctioned Substitute 0
35 Trey Hunt - Sanctioned Substitute 0
36 Zachary Hurwitz - Sanctioned Substitute 12.6
37 Alex Jarema - Sanctioned Substitute 13.1
38 Chris Jones - Sanctioned Substitute 13.1
39 Paul Keeney - Sanctioned Substitute 22.4
40 Nick Kelley - Sanctioned Substitute 0
41 Brett Kintz - Sanctioned Substitute 0
42 Joe Kresslein - Sanctioned Substitute 13.1
43 Mike Kroupa - Sanctioned Substitute 0
44 Mark Lawson - Sanctioned Substitute 20.3
45 Peter Lawson - Sanctioned Substitute 24
46 Stephen Lawson - Sanctioned Substitute 8.1
47 Mike Loewe - Sanctioned Substitute 0
48 Jake McIntosh - Sanctioned Substitute 0
49 Randy Meekins - Sanctioned Substitute 13.1
50 John Miller - Sanctioned Substitute 18.6
51 Tony Morris - Sanctioned Substitute 0
52 Thomas Muller - Sanctioned Substitute 0
53 Dave O'Donnell - Sanctioned Substitute 4.5
54 Topper Person - Sanctioned Substitute 0
55 Alex Pfaff - Sanctioned Substitute 10
56 Will Randazzo - Sanctioned Substitute 0
57 Raymond Ray - Sanctioned Substitute 27.6
58 Owen Reynolds - Sanctioned Substitute 0
59 JH Ryu - Sanctioned Substitute 13.1
60 Jim Saltysiak - Sanctioned Substitute 13.1
61 Bill Saltysiak - Sanctioned Substitute 13.1
62 Jason Schadel - Sanctioned Substitute 0
63 Kevin Schmidt - Sanctioned Substitute 0
64 John Schmidt - Sanctioned Substitute 0
65 Matt Sibol - Sanctioned Substitute 0
66 Garrett Simanski - Sanctioned Substitute 9.3
67 Mark Trimmer - Sanctioned Substitute 0
68 Benjamin Tucker - Sanctioned Substitute 33.5
69 Zach Vickers - Sanctioned Substitute 13.1
70 Chuck Weitz - Sanctioned Substitute 0
71 Max Zeman - Sanctioned Substitute 0